Join us this coming Sunday!
At Noblesville Baptist Church you will find a deep love for the Lord Jesus Christ and a desire to share His life and message in spirit and in truth. We strive to allow God's inspired Word to instruct, guide, and support every aspect of our worship. Christ is heaven's greatest gift to mankind, and it is our desire to make much of Him each time we assemble. We welcome you to come be a part of our worship of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!
Worship Service 9:15am​​
It is our desire each Sunday to highlight the gospel of Christ all throughout the service. By God's grace, we strive to accomplish this through scripture readings, prayers, psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. We then focus our attention on the expositional preaching of God's holy Word, typically working through whole books of the Bible. We conclude our service remembering and proclaiming Christ's death and resurrection with the Lord's table, and we close with a song and benediction.
Musically, we seek to emphasize congregational singing with well-balanced instrumental accompaniment. We believe God has been at work in the hearts of His people throughout the centuries to write Christ-exalting, doctrinally sound, and congregationally singable music. We do not believe the Holy Spirit prefers one generation or genre over another, so you’ll find we intentionally sing a diverse range of Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs of the faith.
We love children of all ages and welcome families to remain together during our worship assembly. If you have a child 3 years or younger and would like to register them in our nursery, however, please feel free to do so.
We do not invite you to our church for your money. Our desire is that our service would be a gift to you, so don't feel obligated to give during the offering time. All we ask is that you would fill out a connection card so that we can have a record of your visit. If you would like to give, however, you can place your offering in the wooden offering boxes in the back of the sanctuary near the exits. You can also give online here.
You are welcome to come as you are. Our main goal is that you would feel welcome and comfortable during your visit to NBC.
We have two parking areas. The large main lot is accessed from 13th Street, and our smaller secondary lot is accessed from Pleasant Street. Our goal is to leave plenty of parking for our guests. However, if you don't see a spot readily available, please pull up to our main parking lot and one of our attendants will be happy to help you.